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This customer was putting her lovely Lesmurdie home on the market and needed the windows cleaned before the viewing.

cleaning windows on a Lesmurdie home

When selling a home, clean windows really make a huge difference, not only to the ease of sale, but the price too.

You can learn about the importance of having your windows cleaned in this article:


What a fabulous location to be working for the day!

The area of Lesmurdie is located in the Perth hills, actually known as the escarpment region east of the city.

large floor to ceiling windows in Lesmurdie home

With stunning views to the city and most of Perth, I wondered how someone could leave a home like this behind.

It was actually an older home and this newer section was added with floor to ceiling windows to really make the most of the scenery.

cleaning large windows in Lesmurdie home

With windows this size, and the afternoon sun eventually streaming in, they needed to be cleaned to perfection without any streaking.


The pure water systems are now widely used for cleaning external glass, but there's still a place for tradition window cleaning methods.

Obviously cleaning internal windows requires the soap and squeegee method, but there are still times when it's used on exterior glass.

tradition window cleaning method being used for exterior windows

I had a helper with me that day, Stuart from Stuart's Home Services, who wanted to learn more about how to clean windows.

So these large panes of glass were the perfect opportunity for him to brush up on his squeegee skills.


Not only did all the windows get a good clean, there was also the glass pool panels that needed a good going over.

dirty pool glass panels

They weren't in the best condition and some serious elbow grease was required.

Having the pool fence glass crystal clear and sparkling really adds to the overall appeal of the swimming pool.

clean pool glass panels

As seen by the big smile on Stuart's face, the pool panels came up really well.


If you're selling your property and need the windows looking their best, get in touch and I'll be happy to help.

Phone David: 0426 258 876

or use my contact form :


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